# The Future of Medicine: Becoming a Brain-Computer Interface Surgeon – WIRED

3 min read

Delving into the Fascinating World of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Discover the latest advancements in brain-computer interface technology and how it is revolutionizing the way we live. As a professional SEO and high-end copywriter, I will take you through the incredible capabilities of BCIs and the potential career opportunities in this field.

The Power of Brain-Computer Interfaces

Imagine controlling your computer or prosthetic limbs with your thoughts. This may have seemed like science fiction in the past, but with the advent of brain-computer interfaces, it is now a reality. These high-tech devices connect to the skull to convert brain signals into computer commands, allowing for a range of exciting applications.

Wireless BCIs: The Future is Here

Gone are the days of bulky, wired BCIs. With recent advancements, BCIs are now wireless, making them more convenient and practical for everyday use. Soon, mind-reading computers will be commonplace and doctors will be required to perform minor surgeries to insert the small sensors and electrodes that make these devices possible.

Meet the BCI Surgeon of the Future

Meet neurosurgeon Shahram Majidi from Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, who is leading the way in BCI surgeries. He has started clinical trials on a groundbreaking BCI called the Stentrode, which is set to be available in 2022. As a BCI surgeon, you have the potential to change lives and shape the future of technology.

The Incredible Evolution of BCIs

BCIs have been in use for several decades and have undergone significant developments. From electrodes that require a computer to be present at all times, to wireless implants that can be used at home, BCIs have come a long way. But the best is yet to come.

The Revolutionary Stentrode

The Stentrode is a game-changing BCI that mimics the human neural function and is virtually undetectable. Unlike traditional BCIs that require wires and electrodes attached to the skull, the Stentrode is placed in a blood vessel next to the brain, allowing for a hassle-free experience. This is truly a remarkable achievement in the world of neuroscience.

The Art of BCI Surgery

BCI surgeries are complex and require precision, making it one of the most challenging procedures for neurosurgeons. However, with careful planning and testing, the risks are minimal. As technology continues to advance, there will always be a need for human expertise in executing these delicate surgeries.

Changing Lives, One BCI at a Time

People with paralysis, such as those with ALS, have their lives transformed by BCIs. As these patients are often severely disabled and unable to leave their homes, BCI surgeon Shahram Majidi has taken the extra step to meet them at their homes to discuss the device and its functions. However, it’s essential to manage expectations and understand the limitations of BCIs.

Join the Exciting World of BCI Surgeries

As BCIs continue to evolve and become more advanced, the need for skilled BCI surgeons will only increase. If you have a steady hand, attention to detail, and a passion for neurosurgery, then becoming a BCI surgeon may be the perfect career for you. Are you ready to make a difference in the field of neuroscience?

Source: https://www.wired.com/story/your-next-job-bci-surgeon/

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